Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Apple-y brown rice pudding

This is simultaneously the best breakfast and the best afternoon snack ever. I prefer it hot with lots of milk (cow's, or homemade almond) for breakfast, and cold with greek yoghurt for a snack.

It's high in carbohydrates so will keep you full for ages, but the extra protein from an egg or two helps you grow big and strong. Or something.

Other possible taste combinations would be orange zest and chopped dried apricots, lemon zest and sultanas, coconut milk and cinnamon, all spice, and nutmeg...go experiment.

To serve a couple of hungry people:


1/2 cup brown short grained rice (uncooked measure), cooked
1 litre raw milk/coconut milk/homemade almond milk
1-2 green apples, grated, cooked in a little water
1-2 eggs
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Bananas, extra milk to serve


Add the rice and half the milk to a saucepan, stir on a medium heat makes sure your milk and rice doesn't burn at the bottom. After five minutes or so add the apples and water. Cook for another five minutes before adding the rest of your milk. Cook until the pudding is the texture you like it - for a really thick creamy rice pudding up to 30 minutes.
While warm, stir in an egg or two and enjoy hot or cold. I prefer heaps extra heated milk and a sliced banana for breakfast, yum!


  1. Looks like yum! And something so easy even I could try!

    1. Let me know how you liked it, if you cooked it T!
